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Why You Should Store Your Baby’s Cord Blood

Cord blood is rich in stem cells, which are the building blocks of the body. These cells can be used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders, including leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, and immune deficiencies. In fact, stem cell transplants are the only treatment option for some patients with these conditions.

When your child’s cord blood storage, you’re giving them a valuable resource that could one day save their life. In addition, cord blood stem cells can be used to treat other family members who are suffering from certain diseases or disorders. And unlike bone marrow transplants, cord blood stem cell transplants have a much lower risk of rejection.

Your child’s cord blood storage is a simple and easy process. All it takes is a small sample of blood, which is collected after your baby is born and the umbilical cord has been cut. The blood is then stored in a special tank called a cryobank. Cryobanks are carefully regulated by the FDA to ensure that they meet strict standards for quality and safety.

So if you’re looking for a way to help ensure your child’s health and well-being, their cord blood storage is a great option. It’s simple, easy, and could one day save their life.


Cord blood is rich in stem cells, which can be used to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. When you store your child’s cord blood, you’re giving them a valuable resource that could one day save their life. So if you’re looking for a way to help ensure your child’s health and well-being, storing their cord blood is a great option.

All You Need to Know About Cord Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood, which is extracted from the newborn’s umbilical cord soon after birth, is a great source of stem cells.

Many people confuse cord blood cells with embryonic stem cells because they are made up of the leftover blood that is left in the baby’s placenta and umbilical cord after the chord is severed.

However, cord blood cells are extracted from the umbilical cord, whereas embryonic stem cells are taken from an embryo. After birth, babies do not require this extra blood.

But many researchers no longer agree that it should be thrown away.

Instead, they have learned that cells found in cord blood can be used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions, including many types of leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, immune system issues, neurological disorders, and more.

All About cord blood

Hematopoietic cells are unique in that they can replicate themselves.

An ordinary skin cell, for example, can only produce additional skin cells.

However, hematopoietic cells can develop in the body into several types of blood cells.

Because of this, these cells can be utilized to treat more than 70 different diseases, including some types of cancer, genetic problems, and neurological and neurological disorders.

More matches are also feasible when doing a cord blood transplant since stem cells from cord blood can be donated to more people than those from bone marrow.

Additionally, compared to bone marrow stem cells, cord blood stem cells are less likely to be rejected.

The practice of banking cord blood is growing in acceptance.

In fact, more and more medical professionals are providing their pregnant patients with information on the process.

However, it is up to you and your family to decide if umbilical cord blood banking is the best course of action.

There are also many choices to think about.

You have the free choice to donate your child’s cord blood.

You can also store it discreetly with an affordable cord blood bank $19.99/month.

Alternatively, you can decide to do neither of those things and have it discarded.

Furthermore, it’s critical to understand that cord blood banks are subject to FDA regulation, just like community or hospital blood banks (FDA).

As a result, the FDA has created guidelines that will govern future cord blood collection and storage.

If you decide to store your baby’s cord blood, be cautious while choosing umbilical cord blood banking.

As soon as your baby is delivered, cord blood is collected.

The doctor, nurse, or technician uses a needle to draw blood from the umbilical cord vein after cutting and clamping the umbilical cord.

The infant won’t experience any pain, discomfort, or harm by doing this after the chord has been cut and clamped.

Additionally, there are no health hazards related to umbilical cord blood banking. Both vaginal and cesarean deliveries can be done after the procedure, which is perfectly safe.

Birth Plans – What Goes Into a Birth Plan?

A birth plan lays out the choices that the mother wants to include for labor, delivery, and postpartum. Even if you don’t feel like sticking to your birth plan, it can be one of valuable tools to educate yourself and make informed decisions during your delivery.

What is a Birth Plan

A birth plan is like a written record where you jot down the ways you would like certain things to occur during your labor or delivery period. It can be simple as well as complex, according to the needs of the mother. You will find no single right format that suits every woman.

A birth plan guide changes according to the circumstances and the course of events during your labor period. It is okay to go for little changes in your birth plan to suit the situation.

How can you Start Making a Birth Plan

Some women have perspectives about their labor and the way to give birth to their children. In such a situation, the birth plan comes handy. To make the birth plan, one needs to invest their time in research work about the options that are available to them.

However, one needs to understand that too much information can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming. Therefore if you are making a birth plan guide (, you need to be clear, precise, and concise. Perhaps keeping a digital copy can make things easier and cut off the hassle.

Things to Include while Preparing a Birth Plan

● People Involved

List the names and contact information of the people directly involved in your delivery. You must not forget about your chosen pediatrician, midwife, or obstetrician.

● Information Regarding Medical History

One section of your birth plan should include information related to your medical history. It should also contain information regarding your past pregnancies or deliveries.

● Type of Environment you Require

Mention the type of environment that you want during your delivery. Make it a point to put it in writing about the type of atmosphere you require to deliver your baby.

● Preference for Pain Management

State your preference for pain management in your birth plan. If you have had any trouble with pain management in your past deliveries, you may put it in your birth plan.

● Birthing position Preferences

Mention the position that you find comfortable. Also, note down any props that you require.

● Other Wishes

You may also include your wishes related to the emergency c-section, cord blood donation, or whether you want any episiotomy.

● Instructions Related to Newborn Care

Be clear about the kind of care you desire for your newborn baby.

It is an overwhelming situation for every mother when they bring their newborn into the world. While writing up your birth plan, make sure you involve a bit of flexibility. As sometimes it becomes difficult to predict what may happen when a baby is born.

Few Facts That Parents Need To Know About Umbilical Cord Blood Banking

The umbilical cord, once discarded as waste, is now prized containing stem cells that can cure 80+ diseases and disorders. Expectant parents can bank the cord blood for future needs. Stem cells of the cord blood change according to the surroundings and transform into any cell in the blood. These cells repair and replenish tissues of the body and are thus used to treat cancer, blood diseases, and immune system disorders.

Donating cord blood is a harmless process for the mother and the child. However, you should discuss this with your gynecologist and register in a bank. Here is everything expecting parents need to know about cord blood banking.

Definition of cord blood banking and what are its procedure?

Umbilical cord blood banking is a way to collect and preserve your baby’s stem cells present in the umbilical cord blood. You can use these for the needy patient or your family member’s treatment in the future. You can either donate your baby’s cord blood at a public bank at no cost or store it in a private bank by paying a fee. You have to discuss whether or not banking blood is the right decision for your family.

The authorities collect the cord blood instantly after the baby is delivered. The umbilical cord is cut and clamped and given to the collection team. A doctor or nurse draws blood from the umbilical cord vein using a needle. Since this is done after detaching the baby from the cord, the process is pain-free and harmless. Also, cord blood collection has no associated health risks. You can opt for both vaginal and cesarean births without causing any discomfort.

After the blood is collected, it is packed in a bag and sent to the bank. At the bank, cord blood is processed and given an identifying number. Thus, it is frozen and stored, and the doctor obtains the stem cells. These are stored cytogenetically in liquid nitrogen. The maximum time of storage of stem cells has not been determined yet, as the study began in the late 1970s. However, successful transplants have taken place from cells stored for over a decade. So we know that these can survive at least this long.

Types of banks and their cost

It is significant to do some research while selecting a bank for umbilical cord blood banking. There are two types of banks, namely public and private. Both these categories are registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They differ in the usage of cord blood and the cost they take from the donor.

A public cord blood bank takes little to 0 fees for the process. You should register with them before your delivery, and their team will collect the blood from the hospital where you deliver the baby. Your baby’s blood will be available for immediate donation to whoever needs stem cells. You can also use it for scientific research. It is a drawback to families who want to use cord blood as an extra assurance for their child, promising a perfect match in the future in case of a transplant. These are funded primarily by tax dollars and federal grants.

Private blood banks store your baby’s cord blood to be used only by them in the future. It is, however, expensive. They take an initial fee when you register for processing and storage. You also have to pay monthly or annual charges for storage and maintenance. The fee will vary depending on location and facility. The initial fees range between $1000 to $ 1500, and the annual charges can cost up to $175. You can research and find affordable cord blood banks starting at $19.99/month.

The likelihood of your child using cord blood is very small. So the blood will remain unused. But the authorities will use it as soon as a perfect match in a public blood bank.

What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Banks and Its Benefits?

The unparalleled advancements in the field of medical science have phased in novel treatment methods. The easy availability of medicines, surgical proficiency, ventilators, etc., has become pragmatic boons to humans. Further, these days, medical science has advanced much more. Cord blood banking has become all the more prevalent in our time. Scientific and technological advancements have made human life easier and superior. This practice is all the more prevalent among the educated population.

Medical researchers have found that the umbilical cord blood of the newborn baby contains a copious amount of stem cells. These stem cells possess an intrinsic capacity to replicate themselves. Modern medical professionals have learned the ways to adapt this innate capability so that they can control various human diseases. However, one will have to store the cord blood safely to take advantage of this innate capacity of the stem cells. When the storage facility is perfect, this blood will become useful for treating various dreadful diseases like cancer. The stem cell banking costs that you spend will not go waste when you consider the returns you may get later on.

The cord of the baby is a rich source of powerful stem cells. These stem cells that you can find in the cord blood and the mesenchymal stem cells that you can find in the cord tissue are highly potent. They have an innate capacity to save human lives because they have replicating power. Almost all the elements found in cord blood are potential life-savers. These include white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. The hematopoietic stem cells that are identical to the bone marrow are best suitable for bone marrow transplantation. This treatment method will be much more effective than taking a donor’s bone marrow. The process is painless and comparatively safe. Apart from the already prevalent uses, one can expect novel treatment methods in the future. For sure, the continuous efforts of medical researchers will find new ways for regenerative medicine that will facilitate future medical treatments.

There must not be any flaw in the storage system. The management of the stem cell banking company must have enough financial and technical resources to keep the blood safe for years together. To use this service, however, one must pay the necessary stem cell banking costs. Of course, this investment is unavoidable. Remember, one will have to sacrifice something to gain something else; this is a common saying. The cord blood bank must have all the modern machinery and related facilities in the lab. They will be able to maintain the purity of the blood intact only by using such tools. Besides, there must be qualified and medically trained employees whose professional proficiency is imperative to keep the blood safe. Hence, for making the process of cord blood storage perfect, the lab authorities will have to spend a lot. So, they charge a fixed yearly amount as stem cell banking costs, apart from the initial payment. The initial payment is for the collection and proper processing of cord blood. However, fortunately, you can find banks that charge only minimum stem cell banking costs.

An internet search will fetch you the web portals of such banks. You can find affordable cord blood banks that charge only $19.99/month. You must check and ensure the reliability of the stem cell bank before you sign a contract. Of course, the reviews of the existing customers will be a good pointer. However, you must consult your doctor or a professional healthcare center as regards the measures you must take into account before investing in the cord blood of your baby. The hospital authorities where you intend to have the delivery will be well-versed in stem cell banking procedures. The doctors will also be professionally capable of properly guiding you. You must take their advice and get in touch with a professional stem cell bank and arrange things. Once you sign an agreement with a stem cell bank, they will provide you with the needed instructions. They will take care of everything. They will send the hospital the collection bag along with their instructions. However, it is always sensible to personally visit the cord blood bank as this visit will provide you with all the needed details.