Five Oral-Friendly Foods To Eat Before Your Dentist Office Visit
The dentist checks your teeth condition, does a rapid cleaning, or repairs anything that is getting rotten. They also recommend you to brush the teeth daily twice and do the flossing regularly. But even after all this care, we have to visit the dentist regularly. It is okay to eat any oral-friendly food items before visiting your dentist. It will make the appointment with your dentist much more pleasant.
Most people believe a myth that they cannot eat anything before going to a dentist office open near me for a procedure or cleaning. But skipping a meal before walking into the clinic or eating the wrong food item could lead to some problems. So in this write-up, we have shared some food items that will save your gums and teeth for close-up scrutiny by the doctor.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are the oil extraction distilled from the shoots, roots, and leaves of different plants. Some of the most commonly used essential oils are from the plants of anise, clove, lavender, myrrh, rosemary, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and peppermint. You can consume these oils with any snack or drink for a beautiful smell.
They also include antibiotic properties that will kill the bacteria causing stinky breath. Out of all these, myrrh needs to have a special mention as it includes astringent and antiseptic properties that tighten the gums and prevent any bacteria formation in your gums. But always ensure that the oil you will be using should be food grade.
Green Tea
Green tea is an excellent drink for your teeth. It lowers the acidity chances inside the mouth and thus reduces the pace of enamel erosion. Green tea also includes anti-inflammatory characteristics that kill the bacteria present, primarily responsible for bad breath. In short, green tea is a safe and great option for teeth. Try to avoid using sugar in the tea, as it will outweigh its benefits. Based on the types of water you will be using to make the tea, it can also be a great fluoride source.
Milk contains calcium which is exceptionally helpful for bone formation. According to studies it also shows that calcium might prevent the loss of the bones. It also helps in maintaining the pH level in the mouth to prevent acidity formation. It also assists to protect and maintain the enamel health of the mouth. The milk also helps to put back other minerals which are lost due to the other harmful food items.
Kale comes with numerous benefits, and you should consume it every day. This green leafy vegetable will strengthen the gums and teeth. It consists of high vitamin K concentration in every portion, which is higher in comparison to any other green vegetable. Spinach and collard greens might also be an outstanding addition to consume before visiting your dentist clinic. So chop some of them, toss them inside a salad, or boil them as a side dish for your lunch or dinner.
If you are diabetic or know someone who is diabetic, you must have known about xylitol before. Xylitol is a plant-based sugar that is a good alternative for sugar if you are more prone to diabetes or hyperglycemia. It is a non-carcinogenic and natural sweetener derived from birch trees.
According to clinical studies, xylitol stops tooth decay. Thus if you are not regularly brushing or flossing the teeth, your teeth might fight the bacteria with ease if you consume xylitol often. Find this sweetener in different types of sugar-free gums or drinks. You can use it as your regular sugar, and your teeth will be good! But remember, if you have not used Xylitol before; take it easy for the first few times before trying it regularly. Our stomach is not habituated to breaking down the chemical like most plant-dependent sugars and can thus cause a slight stomach ache.