How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost? Is the Cost Worth it or Not?

Welcoming a new member of your family requires you to make several carefully calculated decisions. One such crucial decision is deciding what you want to do with the stem cells of your newborn. You can either chose to preserve it, donate to or discard it.

Traditionally the cord blood was considered medical waste and disposed of post-delivery. However, the recent discovery about the numerous benefits of cord blood has led to an increase in awareness. Parents are considering cryogenically preserving the stem cells of their children for future usage.

Cord blood is a reservoir of life-giving and life-saving stem cells. Hence, they can be a great aid in case of future medical emergencies.

However, the availability and viability of the stem cells for transfusion as well as the cord blood bank cost depend on your choice of the cord blood bank. Let us discuss this in detail.

1. Private cord blood bank costs

Storing your child’s stem cells with a private cord blood bank is the only way to ensure that the cord blood will be available as and when needed by your child and other family members. The cord blood bank ensures that your child’s cord blood is collected, processed, and stored properly. They carry out all the tests and procedures required for cryopreserving the cells and make them available at the time of transfusion.

However, it requires a considerably significant financial investment. The cost of storing your child’s stem cell with a private bank requires an upfront cost, also known as registration fees or setup costs. These charges could be anywhere between $1300 to $2300.

Also, you need to pay annual fees also called storage and maintenance charges ranging anywhere between $100 to $180. However, some private cord blood bank allows you to preserve your child’s stem cells with manageable monthly payments. An affordable cord blood bank at $19.99/month with no hidden cost and annual fees enables every child to receive cord blood storage services.

2. Public Cord blood bank costs

If you do not want to store your child’s stem cells with a private bank, you can also donate them to a public cord blood bank. Your baby’s cord blood can save someone’s life or can be used for research purposes.

However, you can not avail these stem cells even when your child requires them in the future. The public cord blood bank makes all the arrangements for collection, processing, and cryogenically preserving your newborn’s stem cells without charging any cost.

Some banks can also accept mail-in donations. Hence, the cost of storing cord blood with a public cord blood bank is nil. However, such stem cells are not preserved exclusively for your family.

Is the cost worth it?

The cord blood is rich in stem cells that can be an aid in the fight against numerous diseases. Some of these diseases include sickle cell amenia, leukemia, and many types of cancer.

At present, stem cells can help in treating 80 rare diseases. Hence, the cord blood bank cost is like insurance for your child’s wellbeing.

Also, scientists and researchers around the globe are conducting studies to understand the untapped potential of stem cells in treating various incurable diseases. Hence cryopreserving stem cells of your child opens the door for advanced future medical treatment when your child needs it.

Cord blood banking becomes essential if the child has a sibling that can benefit from the transfusion. Also, stem cells can be used by other family members in their fight against diseases.

Cord blood banking is biological insurance that can save your child’s life. Hence the immense potentials of these regenerative cells justify the cord blood bank costs by securing your baby’s future health.