Benefits of Using CBD Oil to Improve Your Health
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis Sativa plant. When applied topically, consumed orally, or smoked using inhalation, CBD interacts with neuroreceptors in your endocannabinoid system, which signals your cells, thereby regulating your movement, mood, homeostasis, and immune system.
Commonly, CBD is extracted from the cannabis Sativa plant in oil form. Later, for consumption, CBD oil is mixed with an inert carrier oil like hemp seed oil. In recent years, wholesale CBD oil has gained tremendous popularity owing to its purported calming effects.
Here are some ways CBD oil could benefit your health.
1. Offsetting anxiety and depression
The calming effect of wholesale CBD oil is perhaps its most popular effect and the reason for its widespread use. A 2017 study published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry tested the anxiety levels of 57 men in a simulated public speaking test. Those who received 300 milligrams of CBD experienced significantly reduced anxiety during the test compared to those who received a placebo of the same quantity. Studies in mice have also suggested that CBD may have effects similar to that of the antidepressant imipramine.
2. Relieve select epilepsy syndromes
CBD can be used to treat epileptic seizures in some cases.
In 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of CBD to treat seizures resulting from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, rare types of seizures.
3. Reduce symptoms of PTSD
In a small 2018 study, 11 people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) received CBD, along with routine psychiatric care, for eight weeks in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. Ten of the 11 experienced a decrease in their PTSD symptoms.
Four other human trials from 2012 to 2016 suggest CBD reduces PTSD symptoms. Studies have shown when tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an essential mind-altering element in cannabis, and CBD work together, the result is an “entourage effect,” whereby the benefits and potency of both complement each other and become enhanced.
4. Relieve unmanageable pain
Continued studies in the U.S. have pointed at the effectiveness of CBD in treating chronic, non-cancer pain. In one 2020 study, patients with symptomatic peripheral neuropathy (a result of brain nerve and spinal cord nerve damage) were divided into two groups. One group received topical CBD while the other group received a placebo. Those provided with the topical CBD showed a significant reduction in intense, sharp pains and cold, itchy sensations compared to those who provided with the placebo. No adverse side effects were reported.
5. Ease diabetic complications
Studies conducted on human cells found that wholesale CBD oil helps reduce the effects of high glucose levels on other cells in the body. Researchers have also hypothesized that CBD could have significant benefits when used in patients with diabetes, diabetic complications, and plaque buildup in artery walls.
In another small study, 13 patients with type 2 diabetes who weren’t on insulin treatment were given both CBD and a placebo. A decreased level of resistin—the protein that causes resistance to insulin—was noted in those receiving CBD. Additionally, the levels of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide—the hormone responsible for sufficient release of insulin from digested food—increased in patients on receiving CBD. These results suggest that CBD could be a natural treatment option for diabetes.
6. Benefits heart health
High blood pressure is often linked to higher risks of stroke, heart attack, and metabolic syndrome. Studies indicate that CBD may be able to help control high blood pressure.
Researchers have suggested that the stress- and anxiety-reducing properties of CBD are responsible for its ability to help lower blood pressure. Additionally, several animal studies have pointed at CBDs ability to reduce the inflammation and cell death associated with heart disease, owing to its powerful antioxidant and stress-reducing properties.
In summation,
The potential health benefits of CBD oil are being studied robustly. Every day, new therapeutic uses of this natural remedy are being discovered. Though there is much to be learned about the efficacy and safety of CBD, results from the aforementioned and more recent studies suggest that CBD may be a safe, powerful, and natural treatment alternative for many health issues.
Five Things to Know About Cord Blood Banking
A baby’s umbilical cord contains stem cells that are known for their extraordinary regenerative properties. Stem cells can replicate and develop into any type of body cells, such as nerve cells, muscle cells, cartilage cells, and bone cells. That enables them to repair, regenerate and replace any bodily tissue that is damaged or diseased, and this makes them advantageous for use in various cell regeneration therapies.
Advanced storage technologies have made it possible to store stem cells for an indefinite period. You can extract the cord blood from your baby’s detached umbilical cord by a non-invasive and painless procedure soon after birth and send it for long-term storage to a cord blood bank. For a specified fee, they can store the cord blood for as long as you want.
Five Things to Know About Cord Blood Banking
Here are five things you need to know about cord blood banking:
1. Cord blood banks collect cord blood from the umbilical cord
Some parents research cord blood banks and select a suitable bank at least four to six weeks before the birth of their baby. The cord blood bank provides them with a blood collection kit. After the baby is born, the doctor or the nurse will use this kit to extract the cord blood, and a medical courier will take it to the bank’s laboratory. It will undergo processing and analysis at the laboratory and be ready for storage with liquid nitrogen cryopreservation methods within 24 hours.
2. Cord blood banks can store different biological materials
The cord blood banks collect and store cord blood, cord tissue, and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC). The MSC option may be the best as the cells undergo isolation, expansion, and culture growth. The isolated cells can also undergo a bacteria test to ensure they are not contaminated. That allows for a higher count of quality cells that can remain viable for application in different medical therapies. The cord blood bank will send you a report detailing the total count and viability of the stem cells and a unique identifying number for your stored sample for easy retrieval later.
3. Cord blood banks make use of advanced technologies
Cord blood banks use high-tech facilities with the latest technologies for processing, storing, and accessing their inventory of cord blood samples. Some of the best technologies include MCASS Processing, AXP II Processing, MVE Tank, BioArchive Smart Robotics Tank, and Segmented Tissue Storage. Since new technologies are constantly developing in this field, the cord blood bank must have the capacity to scale up when necessary. They also need reliable power backup to ensure the long-term safety and viability of the stored cord blood samples.
4. Cord blood banks offer different pricing options
There are private cord blood banks and public cord blood banks, and the private ones are generally more expensive than the public ones. It is a costly endeavor to store cord blood potentially forever. However, you can find many package options for different budgets. For instance, you could select an annual storage plan, a 20-year storage plan, or a lifetime storage plan. The pricing will be different for each of these. You can also go for an affordable cord blood banking storage $19.99/month plan.
Most banks state their storage rates clearly but ask and check that there are no other hidden expenses. It will also benefit you to compare the services and prices of different banks and narrow your choice down according to your pocket and your needs.
5. Cord blood banks adhere to industry standards
You should also review the bank’s accreditations from credible public bodies like the FDA, the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), and the Department of Health. These can guarantee that the bank complies with the industry’s standard rules, guidelines, and regulations for safe and proper handling and storage. And that means that the bank is reliable, consistent, and professional.
You will do well to check its inventory and review how many cord blood units they have stored and delivered since they first began their storage operations. That can inform you of their experience, knowledge, and capability to keep the stored cord blood viable for a very long period. You can then reactivate it for medical uses.
How to Be at Ease at the Dentist Office

Whether it is the thought of someone being up close and personal in your mouth or its sterile smell and drilling sounds in the background, visiting the dentist office in Springfield VA, can be stress-inducing and unpleasant.
If you have been delaying visiting your dentist due to concerns or fears, then you are not alone. According to a study, 60% of the people surveyed acknowledged that they suffer from dental anxiety.
Dentist anxiety can create many issues for you in the future. If you don’t see your dentist regularly, you will end up having poor dental hygiene. And if you currently have dental problems, it will only worsen if you do not treat them properly.
So, control your fear and your dental hygiene. This article will share several tips to reduce dental fear and anxiety and feel at ease at the dentist’s office.
Schedule A Tour for the Dentist Office in Springfield, VA
If its been a long when you visited your dentist last time, then you might not have a specific dentist to go to. You may see a new dentist office in Springfield, VA you have never visited earlier or revisit an office that you haven’t visited in years.
Either way, you must contact the dentist’s office and request to schedule an office tour.
Visit the office without an appointment, get a feel for the environment and meet the staff and dentist.
If you can meet with everyone before taking your first appointment and see the office, you won’t have much anxiety on the treatment day. If a dentist’s office doesn’t meet all your needs, move on to another dentist until you find the one you’re comfortable with.
Talk to Your Dentist
You can only overcome your fears when you acknowledge them. Take a pen and paper and jot down all of your worries about the dentist.
What worries you the most about your visit to the dentist’s office in Springfield, VA?
Are you scared of pain? Or do you have any other concerns?
Write everything down and discuss your fears with your dentist. Be honest with your dentist, and they will ease your distress. Once your dentist walks you through the process step by step and shares the tools they will use, you won’t have as many concerns running through your mind.
Schedule Early Appointment
Another way to overcome fears is to take up appointments in the early mornings. Scheduling your appointment in the late afternoon may bring more worries throughout the entire day. So rather than wasting your whole day thinking about the appointment, get it over with the first thing in the morning.
You can wake up, brush your teeth, and go. Once you are done with your visit, you then rest the entire day to relax.
Use Your Hands to Give Signals
Your dentist can identify when you need something or you feel uncomfortable. But there could be times when your dentist can’t figure out all of your requirements. Remember, you cannot use many words as soon as your dentist starts working on your teeth.
So, to ensure seamless communication without words, use hand signals. You can review a few hand signals with your dentist before starting with the process. For example, you can request the dentist to share the hand signal for ‘stop.’
You can also request the team at the dentist office in Springfield, VA, to give you earplugs or a blanket if either of these helps ease your anxiety. You can also bring your own if you think that would be helpful for you.
Bring Your Music
You can also keep your mind distracted during the procedure by bringing along your favorite music with you. Rather than using your ears to listen to all the noises, you can relax in your world.
But make sure you inform the dentist office in Springfield, VA, in advance if you want to listen to music during the procedure. You can practice two or three hand signals with your dentist so both of you can communicate without you needing to hear.
However, if you find communicating difficult, then you can always take your earbud out for a moment and put that back in.
So, do you have any questions?
How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost? Is the Cost Worth it or Not?
Welcoming a new member of your family requires you to make several carefully calculated decisions. One such crucial decision is deciding what you want to do with the stem cells of your newborn. You can either chose to preserve it, donate to or discard it.
Traditionally the cord blood was considered medical waste and disposed of post-delivery. However, the recent discovery about the numerous benefits of cord blood has led to an increase in awareness. Parents are considering cryogenically preserving the stem cells of their children for future usage.
Cord blood is a reservoir of life-giving and life-saving stem cells. Hence, they can be a great aid in case of future medical emergencies.
However, the availability and viability of the stem cells for transfusion as well as the cord blood bank cost depend on your choice of the cord blood bank. Let us discuss this in detail.
1. Private cord blood bank costs
Storing your child’s stem cells with a private cord blood bank is the only way to ensure that the cord blood will be available as and when needed by your child and other family members. The cord blood bank ensures that your child’s cord blood is collected, processed, and stored properly. They carry out all the tests and procedures required for cryopreserving the cells and make them available at the time of transfusion.
However, it requires a considerably significant financial investment. The cost of storing your child’s stem cell with a private bank requires an upfront cost, also known as registration fees or setup costs. These charges could be anywhere between $1300 to $2300.
Also, you need to pay annual fees also called storage and maintenance charges ranging anywhere between $100 to $180. However, some private cord blood bank allows you to preserve your child’s stem cells with manageable monthly payments. An affordable cord blood bank at $19.99/month with no hidden cost and annual fees enables every child to receive cord blood storage services.
2. Public Cord blood bank costs
If you do not want to store your child’s stem cells with a private bank, you can also donate them to a public cord blood bank. Your baby’s cord blood can save someone’s life or can be used for research purposes.
However, you can not avail these stem cells even when your child requires them in the future. The public cord blood bank makes all the arrangements for collection, processing, and cryogenically preserving your newborn’s stem cells without charging any cost.
Some banks can also accept mail-in donations. Hence, the cost of storing cord blood with a public cord blood bank is nil. However, such stem cells are not preserved exclusively for your family.
Is the cost worth it?
The cord blood is rich in stem cells that can be an aid in the fight against numerous diseases. Some of these diseases include sickle cell amenia, leukemia, and many types of cancer.
At present, stem cells can help in treating 80 rare diseases. Hence, the cord blood bank cost is like insurance for your child’s wellbeing.
Also, scientists and researchers around the globe are conducting studies to understand the untapped potential of stem cells in treating various incurable diseases. Hence cryopreserving stem cells of your child opens the door for advanced future medical treatment when your child needs it.
Cord blood banking becomes essential if the child has a sibling that can benefit from the transfusion. Also, stem cells can be used by other family members in their fight against diseases.
Cord blood banking is biological insurance that can save your child’s life. Hence the immense potentials of these regenerative cells justify the cord blood bank costs by securing your baby’s future health.
What to Look For In a Tanning Lotion for Tanning Beds

The summer may be half over in the northern hemisphere, but it’s still never too late to work on that tan, or to start preparing to keep your tan over the autumn and winter when you aren’t able to get out to the beach as often. Tanning beds are one of the best ways to properly maintain your tan when you can’t get into the sun, and in order to make the best of your tanning bed salon experience, you should always be wearing tanning lotions for tanning beds.
Tanning beds require a special kind of lotion when you are using them for your tanning needs. So, what exactly should you be looking for in a tanning salon-safe tanning lotion?
Getting Tanning Bed Lotion
Using outdoor tanning lotions can cause damage to the lamination on tanning beds, while indoor tanning bed lotions are especially formulated to not leave behind any residue or gunk that could damage the bed. Anytime you walk into a tanning bed salon, they will have a selection of tanning bed lotions available on hand for you to purchase, but you can always bring your own. When you do purchase your own online, always check to ensure that it is rated to be safe for tanning beds.
Quality Ingredients
Before trying any one of the various types of tanning lotions, you need to get familiar with what is in the product. At the base of all tanning lotions for tanning beds is a strong moisturizer, some form of chemical to help darken the results of your tan, and vitamins and minerals to keep your skin healthy. The best tanning lotions are likely to have upwards of 30% moisturizer, or even more, because dry skin is the enemy of a good tan.
Dry skin blocks UV light, so having well moisturized skin results in less time needed in the tanning bed for the results you want. There are several types of chemicals that help with darkening skin, and a strong bronzer is likely to use Melanin. Finally, vitamins and minerals are helpful at keeping your skin healthy looking, avoiding wrinkles, and giving you a nice ageless glow.
Type of Tanning Lotion
There are several types of tanning lotions for tanning beds, depending on the experience you want and how deep you want your tan.
Bronzers are probably what most people think of when it comes to tanning lotions. Bronzers have some form of bronzing formulation within them to help increase the color result from your tanning session. The level of bronzing is on the label, normally with numbers such as x10, x30 or x50; the higher the number, the darker your tan will be. Always apply evenly to avoid streaking or an uneven tan, and always use clothing you aren’t afraid to get stained.
Some tanning lotions have different feel effects to them. One of those is a tingling lotion. The tingling of the lotion is actually from increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin, which increases the amount of melanin being produced during the tanning process.
Cooling lotions have additives that give your skin a more cooling sensation, rather than a tingling one. For many, this makes the tanning experience more soothing, relaxing, and enjoyable.
Accelerator tanning lotions for tanning beds do exactly what they say on the bottle: they accelerate the rate at which you can achieve your tan. Accelerators tend to have the highest percentage of moisturizer, and they are the best options for starting out and getting yourself a base tan.
Maximizer and Intensifier
These types of lotions are meant for those with a base tan already who want to darken it even further. These will have less moisturizer overall than accelerators, so they aren’t entirely recommended for newbies. But of course, whatever tanning lotion is most comfortable for you is the one you should choose.
SPF Value
Many tanning lotions for tanning beds will actually not include any sunscreen within them, so you have to be careful when using them. If you stay in the tanning bed too long, you will get a sunburn from the UV light. If you are new to tanning beds and are weary about sunburns, have sensitive skin, or a higher risk of skin cancer, then you should possibly look for a tanning lotion that has an SPF value.
Finding the Right Fragrance in Your Tanning Lotions for Tanning Beds
Finally, many tanning lotions for tanning beds have some form of fragrance included in the formulation, partially to mask the smell of the other ingredients, and partially to give you a soothing smell to enjoy while you are tanning. If you don’t want fragrance, or a minimal one, then be sure to check the ingredient list or the description on the bottle.
The next time you are getting your tan on at a tanning bed salon, be sure to include your favorite tanning lotions for tanning beds to have the best time possible.