Category Archives: Womens’ Health

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Dental Clinic

Choosing a dentist is something that needs to be done with care. A lot of things matter when finding the right clinic or practice and here are a few factors to consider when looking for the best Springfield dental clinic.

Training and experience

The first and foremost on the list is the training. Your dentist should be well qualified for the job and certifications to back up the same. What matters also is the clinical experience that he/she has had. Typically, longer the dentists have been in practice, the more well-equipped he/she is to treat you. However, this doesn’t mean newbies can’t help. They could also be well equipped in the latest technologies and medical approaches to treatment. So, look for a balance between the two.

Membership and credentials

Always choose a clinic with board-certified practitioners. This helps to ensure that the doctor has is certified to provide treatment and care in his chosen field. Also, do research online to see if the clinic has a history of malpractice or disciplinary action against them. You will want to avoid being treated by such dentists at all costs. Besides certification, see if the dentist is a member of a dental association of the city or state. This adds to the credibility and trustworthiness.


Having a good name among the dental and patient community in Springfield is yet another feature of a professional dental clinic. To see how the practice fares on this aspect, check the clinic’s website for testimonials from past patients or case studies on the various kinds of treatments provided. For more honest feedback, search for patient reviews online. Google business listings and those on other directory pages can give you a clear picture of what the patients feel about the dentist and the practice. You could also find out more in this regard from healthcare aggregator apps and the like. Remember to go through positive and negative reviews to learn about the doctor’s proficiency, the attitude, shortcomings, etc., so that you have a clear idea about the kind of person(s) who will be treating you. Look also for the feedback on the clinic settings, hygiene, staff attitude, and waiting time as all of these have a direct impact on how comfortable or uncomfortable you feel at the dentists.

Treatments offered

Dentistry is a vast practice that includes many specializations such as endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, prosthodontics, dental surgery and so on. When choosing a clinic, look for one that offers treatment across multiple disciplines that just in general dentistry. It helps to have a doctor who can perform multiple specialized procedures. However, since most dentists have one core focus areas, you could opt for a clinic with a team of specialists who can treat you when the need arises. This helps save on the time and effort otherwise needed with referrals.

Emergency care

Dental emergencies may occur rarely, but in such cases, it helps to have a clinic that addresses them promptly. Such emergencies may be from a chipped or broken tooth, a serious infection, bleeding and excessive pain, complications arising from orthodontic treatment, an allergic reaction to medicines, and so on. Look for a practice in Springfield that offers emergency care so that you won’t have to go through the trouble of being referred to a hospital room and being treated by someone you barely know.

Cost and insurance

Dental treatments are expensive, and it becomes important that any clinic you choose be willing to accept insurance or be listed on a network or panel of clinics of insurers. Also make sure that they accept multiple payment options such as cash, credit cards, checks. Ask for typical costs of different kinds of treatment to see how they compare against other clinics in the city. Some treatments may not be covered under insurance and in such cases, you would incur an out of the pocket expense. In such cases, see if the clinic is willing to accept payment plans or those from networks. This helps ease the burden that comes with expensive treatments. Review your prospective dental clinic in Springfield against each of these aspects of the practice to see how well it fits your needs.

Missing Teeth? Three Common Dental Solutions

Teeth loss can occur due to many reasons. Some of these include tooth decay, gum disease, accidents, congenital conditions, wear and tear from aging, and so on. Having one or more teeth missing from the mouth can be embarrassing, to say the least. Not only does it affect your smile and confidence but also interferes with biting, chewing, and speaking abilities. This is because when a tooth falls out, the jawbone underneath starts shrinking and turning brittle, owing to lack of stimulation from healthy tooth. Simultaneously, adjacent teeth move and tilt towards this space, leading to a change in bite and overall alignment of teeth. With time, these result in changes in appearance, making your face seem collapsed from lack of support. These changes affect your eating habits and smile, while also making you unhappy and self-conscious. Thankfully, there exist different fixes that help fix missing teeth. For people in Springfield, here is a look at three common Springfield dental solutions.


Bridges are the most basic and long-standing solution to missing teeth. They are used to fill in gaps created by one or more missing teeth, given that the number of teeth present in the mouth is greater than those missing. Bridges can be made from metal, ceramic, or a combination of the two. The solution is employed when there are teeth present on either side of the missing tooth/teeth. This fixed device consists of one or more artificial teeth suspended on crowns attached to adjacent teeth. Bridges are fixed devices that can restore the bite and normal function of the missing teeth. Since they file down and replace healthy adjacent teeth with crowns, ill-fitted bridges can result in cavities or decay. They also cannot be used if the supporting teeth are not healthy or cannot be fitted with crowns. Bridges lats long with proper maintenance and upkeep but may not work well on the lower jaw, which flexes much. However, the upside is that they are less expensive than implants and do not require surgery to be performed.


Dentures can be used to replace a single missing tooth or many of them, including all teeth in the mouth. They are of two kinds – partial and full. A partial denture is used only when some of the teeth are missing. It consists of replacement teeth (look-alikes) attached to a plastic plate or base in the same color as your gums. Partial dentures often come with metal framework and clasps that attach to the remaining teeth in the mouth for stability and proper positioning. The advantage with these devices is that there is no need to file down any teeth for use. Plus, they are economical.  The downside is that the metal may be visible when speaking or eating. A full denture is used when all teeth are missing or have been removed, as typically seen with old age. The device, like the partial denture, consists of teeth look-alikes attached to a gum-colored base plate. However, the plate rests on the bony ridge of the jaws. Partial and full dentures are typically removable. Springfield doctors recommend wearing them during the day and keeping them dipped in water or cleaning solutions during the night. Newer dentures are designed to sit on implants to give them more stability and functionality.

Dental implants Dental implants are the newest and currently one of the most sought after solutions to replace missing tooth/teeth. Their biggest advantage is that implants look and feel like real teeth when biting, chewing, brushing, or smiling. In this solution, the implant replaces the root of the missing tooth, healing in the bone for many months. After this, an abutment is placed over it, which is then cemented with a crown. Implants are beneficial because they do not disturb or alter the adjacent teeth when fixed. They are strong and help stop bone loss from lack of function. They also preserve healthy teeth and help to restore a natural-looking smile. Dental implants are a commonly used solution Springfield to replace a single missing tooth, but they can also be employed to cover up for many missing teeth, including the entire mouth. They can also be used in along with regenerative techniques like bone grafting for better, long-lasting results.

Microblading – Things to Know

Women can spend valuable time every day trying to shape their eyebrows perfectly. Even then the results may not be to their liking. But now it is easy to get the desired eyebrows with the help of a cosmetic treatment known as microblading.

About Microblading

Microblading is a treatment where the pigment is used to draw in the new eyebrow shape over the sparse or unsatisfactory original brows. The treatment is done using a handheld tool with a number of micro-needles at the end. These micro-needles help in depositing pigment and creating strokes akin to eyebrow hair.

But unlike tattoos, this treatment is semi-permanent. Microblading can last for 12-18 months depending on a person’s skin. The expertise of your provider can also be a factor in determining the fading time of the microblading treatment. So, it is important to take the time to find the right provider. For instance, if you need to find an expert for best microblading in NJ, consider conducting thorough research to find the ideal provider in your area.

The Procedure

The procedure begins with the provider cleaning the brow area and removing any extra hairs from the eyebrows. Then the provider will apply a numbing agent on the eyebrows to minimize any pain that can occur due to the use of the microblading tool. The pain is minimal, to begin with, and the numbing cream takes care of any discomfort you might feel during the treatment.

Your provider may then figure out the best shape and the pigment color for you. Some providers may perform this step during the initial consultation. Using a special microblading tool, your provider will arrive at the best shape suited for your face and/or as per your preference. Then the provider will add the pigment as needed.

The time for the procedure can be anywhere between 60-80 minutes (even more) depending on the expertise of the provider. A follow-up session is needed after 6-8 weeks to fill in any gaps left from the initial session or deepen the pigment if required. The full effect of the treatment is visible only after a month’s time or so.

You may experience a bit of flaking or patchiness on the brows after the treatment and before the follow-up session. But this is quite normal.

Before and After the Treatment

There are care instructions associated with every type of cosmetic treatment and microblading is no different. Your provider will help you understand the precautions you need to take before the treatment during your consultation. Your provider will also tell you about all the care instructions you need to follow post your treatment.

Before your microblading session, you will need to refrain from any cosmetic treatment on the eyebrow area such a waxing, tweezing, coloring, etc. It is also best to avoid facials or other corrective treatments for a minimum two weeks before the microblading session. You will also need to avoid the intake of alcohol and refrain from smoking for a few days before and after the treatment. To minimize the risks of bruising from any cosmetic treatment, you will need to stop taking pain medicines, blood-thinners, and herbal supplements for a few days before and after the treatment.

Avoiding sun exposure, strenuous exercises, and steamy showers is also important for the best outcome of the treatment. You may also need to use a special cleanser over the eyebrows for a few days to heal the area. You may need to follow after-care instructions for at least 7-10 days or as needed.  

These are standard safety precautions undertaken for all types of cosmetic treatments.

Treatment Considerations

Microblading is a safe treatment without any side effects if carried out by an expert. It is also important that the treatment seekers follow all the safety guidelines as instructed by their provider. Some people are allergic to pigments. So, your provider may want to do a patch test before starting your treatment. Find out if such a test is available at a provider’s before scheduling your microblading treatment. If you suffer from any skin condition, you may need to wait for it to heal before undergoing your microblading treatment.

Five Factors to Consider While Choosing PRP Hair Treatment

There are plenty of treatments available for thinning hair. PRP hair treatment is one of the most revolutionary ones to tackle the problem of hair loss. But what exactly is PRP hair treatment?

About PRP Hair Treatment

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Plasma is one of the components of blood. The plasma is obtained from the patient’s blood, which is drawn before the treatment begins. The blood is then purified and separated into different components using a device known as the centrifuge. One of the components obtained through this process is PRP.

Platelets contain certain growth factors that can help with many problems including hair loss. Growth factors essentially enhance cell functions, thus, helping treat problems related to skin, hair, and in several cases even muscles and bones.

When PRP is used for hair loss treatment, it can boost the functions of hair follicles. When hair follicles function well, new hair growth becomes a possibility.

Here are five factors to consider when choosing PRP hair treatment.

It is best to begin PRP hair treatment as soon as you begin to experience hair loss

People who are just beginning to experience hair loss can benefit greatly from PRP treatment. Growth factors can stop hair loss before it becomes severe. PRP treatment can accelerate hair growth on your scalp before bald spots begin to show. PRP is also extremely beneficial for those people who have androgenic alopecia. It is a genetic condition that causes thinning of hair.

Even though PRP treatment is useful for all types of hair loss problems, it might be more useful for the above-mentioned cases of hair loss.

It is vital to choose qualified providers for PRP treatments

PRP is not your usual cosmetic or spa treatment. It is a medial process requiring careful handling by the provider. For example, if you are seeking PRP hair treatment in NYC then choose only those clinics that are run by qualified doctors or nurses. Also, consider the experience of your providers in offering PRP treatments.

PRP needed to be obtained properly and injected carefully into the scalp. Improper handling can cause bruising, and the treatment may not even work. Qualified medical professionals can also recommend other complementary treatments such as vitamin infusions to aid your hair growth along with PRP.

Consistency is important for successful outcomes from PRP hair treatments

PRP is extremely beneficial for hair loss problems. But one treatment session won’t be sufficient to rectify hair loss. You can expect the shedding of your hair to reduce drastically after your first treatment session. But you will need multiple sessions for the right results. After 3-4 sessions, you can expect new hair growth on your scalp. Your provider will determine the ideal treatment course for you depending on your unique needs.
It is vital to discuss your medical history with your provider openly.

PRP treatments are not ideal for those suffering from blood-related disorders. Some people have medical conditions that affect clotting of their blood. PRP may not be the right treatment for them. So, it is important that you reveal this information to your provider before seeking PRP hair treatment. If your provider is a qualified doctor or a nurse, then they can offer you other alternative treatments to treat your hair loss problem if PRP might not be the right one for you.

It is best to disclose all medicine use to your provider. If you are pregnant or nursing, it is important that you tell your provider about it.

The cost of PRP treatments can vary

The cost of PRP hair treatments can vary from one clinic to the next depending on the location and the experience of the providers. It is best to first schedule a consultation with a provider to assess the cost factor before outright scheduling a treatment session if cost is an issue with you.

PRP is a safe, nonsurgical solution for hair loss problems. It carries none of the risks of hair transplant surgeries or long-term use of medicines for hair growth. The treatment utilizes the patient’s own blood to stimulate cells responsible for hair growth.