Category Archives: Useful Tips
Medical Acupuncture – Does it Work?

Many people are visiting the acupuncturist for medical acupuncture in Houston, TX to get relief from various diseases, but still many have doubt in their mind about the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, in this post, we will learn about what exactly medical acupuncture is, is it safe treatment and does it work?
What is Medical acupuncture and is it a safe treatment?
Acupuncture is a practice used in traditional Chinese medicine. Medical acupuncture is similar to traditional acupuncture. The main difference between traditional acupuncture and medical acupuncture is that medical acupuncture is performed by a medical practitioner who is licensed and trained both in Western medicine and acupuncture as a specialty practice. This makes the medical acupuncture far safer than the traditional acupuncture.
In this treatment, medical acupuncturist first fully diagnoses the body and then starts the treatment based on the evidence. The acupuncturist uses single-use sterilized needles for the treatment. After the full diagnosis of a body, a practitioner inserts the needles at the specific acupoints in the body to improve the flow of Qi (life energy) and achieve the harmony and balance between the complementary forces of life energy, Yin and Yang.
According to the National Institute of Health and World Health Organization, acupuncture is a safe practice when performed by a qualified, certified and licensed practitioner. So when you are planning to go for medical acupuncture in Houston, TX, make sure you are visiting a qualified and licensed medical acupuncturist.
Does medical acupuncture work?
Many studies have proved the worth of acupuncture. There is no doubt on the effectiveness of the treatment when performed by a qualified practitioner. It can treat a vast range of diseases including headaches, chronic back pain, neck pain, pain due to arthritis, female infertility, stress, and muscle spasms.
Have a look at the medical conditions acupuncture can safely offer relief.
Treat chronic pain
Majority of the people visit an acupuncturist to get relief from chronic pain. Acupuncture helps to alleviate chronic knee pain, neck pain, back pain and pain due to arthritis. Medical acupuncture can also treat muscle spasm and pain due to injury. Medical acupuncturists who are specialist in treating pain use medical acupuncture in Houston, TX along with Western medicine to treat the pain due to injuries. Acupuncture improves the blood flow and energy flow to the injured area and alleviates the pain.
Boost female fertility
This benefit has made medical acupuncture quite popular in America. A study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine has shown that acupuncture can treat female infertility and balance hormones. Medical acupuncture increases the chance of conception and assists in a natural pregnancy, IVF or IUI. Medical acupuncture improves the ovarian blood flow and reduces the effect of anxiety and depression on the menstruation cycle and increases the chances of getting pregnant.
Reduce mental stress and improve sleep
Acupuncture is based on the concept of achieving balance and harmony between the complementary life forces of Qi because any disease is a result of the imbalance of these forces. Studies have shown that acupuncture can improve the quality of sleep and reduce stress, anxiety, and depressions. Medical acupuncture also has a positive impact on cognitive health and can be used to treat patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
Improve cancer recovery
According to the National Cancer Institute, acupuncture can help boost immunity and speed up recovery following cancer treatments. Several studies have shown that medical acupuncture improves the recovery process of chemotherapy patients following cancer treatments. Acupuncture can boost the immunity of the body and help in decreasing the negative side effects of chemotherapy.
So these are the key areas where medical acupuncture has proved to be worthy.
Final Thoughts Medical acupuncture is a natural and holistic approach. More importantly, it is a safe practice that can be used along with mainstream Western medicine. So if your current medicinal approach is insufficient to get you relief from your disease, you can use medical acupuncture in Houston, TX for the treatment of your disease.
How has Traditional Chinese Medicine Helped in Modern Day Society?

Traditional Chinese Medicine in Houston, TX is one such alternative medical approach which is consistently growing its popularity in the modern day society. Today we will learn about what exactly is Traditional Chinese Medicine and how it has helped the intellectually driven people in the modern day society.
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of health and wellness that has been used in China for more than 2500 years. TCM includes several practices such as Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbs, Cupping, Meditation, Moxibustion, and Tai Chi.
TCM is based on the concept of achieving a balance between the two opposite but complementary forces of life energy (Qi), Yin and Yang. Every disease in the body is a result of an imbalance of these injuries. TCM practitioner uses various practices to achieve balance and harmony between these forces. Unlike Western Medicine, TCM practitioners do not focus on fixing symptoms instead of treat the root cause of a disease.
How has Traditional Chinese medicine helped in modern day society?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete system of health and wellness by itself and playing a very important role in modern day healthcare system. Let’s have a look at the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how it has helped the people in modern day society.
Treat chronic pain
When it comes to treating chronic pain, Western medicine can only suppress the pain but cannot treat it. Acupuncture and Acupressure are used to treat chronic back pain or neck pain, and pain due to arthritis and poor body posture. According to recent research published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, one month of acupressure treatment can be more effective in reducing chronic headaches than one month of taking muscle-relaxant medications. Nowadays, more and more people in Houston are now opting for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Houston, TX for the treatment of chronic body pain because of consistent positive results of acupuncture and acupressure in alleviating chronic body pain.
Improve fertility
Acupuncture plays a positive result in treating infertility. Many studies have shown that acupuncture treatment modulates the ovarian blood flow, hormonal balance, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system, and the neuroendocrine and endocrine system. According to the study published in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine acupuncture has a positive impact on hormonal balance and treating infertility. Many women are using acupuncture along with Western medicine for the treatment of infertility.
Improve flexibility, muscle strength and balance
Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the body has an integrated mechanism. Tai Chi practice improves muscle strength and promotes flexibility in the body. Tai Chi exercise has a great impact on the body. It enhances the body’s natural ability to heal diseases and strengthens the immunity system of the body. Twelve weeks of Tai Chi practice can improve mind-body balance and help you build a strong body and a sharp mind.
Reduce mental stress
These days it is hard to find someone who is not struggling with mental stress. Traditional Chinese Medicine practices such as massage and moxibustion can reduce stress to a great extent. Massage has been used in the Eastern World for more than 3500 years to promote the mental well being and reduce mental stress. Massage improves the flow of Qi life energy and blood flow in the body. Deep tissue massage is used to alleviate the pain due to injuries and help relax strained muscles and tissues. Some massages rooted in TCM utilize mind-body practices like visualization, meditations, and deep breathing to calm the nervous system and lower the body’s stress response.
So these are the key benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine that modern day society is enjoying.
Final Thoughts There is nothing more important than health in our life. If we are not healthy, nothing can make us happy. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a natural and holistic medicinal approach which is accepted worldwide to promote the wellbeing. If you are also looking for natural ways to promote your health, you can consider the Traditional Chinese Medicine in Houston, TX.
Three Tips for Choosing the Best Dentist

So how to choose the best dentist…?
Choosing the best dentist Mclean VA is a bit challenging task. There are so many dentists in Mclean that one can get easily confused which one to choose. So today we will look at the three key tips for choosing the best dentist.
Here are the three tips for choosing the best dentist:
1. Look for a licensed and experienced dentist
First of all, check the professional qualifications of a dentist. Look for a dentist who is graduated from a well reputed medical school. The dentist office should be able to tell you about the dentist’s training. You can also obtain the information about the dentist’s qualification from your insurance carrier. Also, ensure that your dentist has a valid license. You can verify the licensing of your dentist by visiting the state’s dental board website. A valid license ensures that a dentist is skilled and trained to treat dental diseases. Also, dentists can practice in various fields of dentistry. If you are looking for treatment of a specific dental disease, make sure you choose a specialist dentist who has specialization in that field.
And when it comes to the dental health of your family, obviously, you won’t want to leave it in the hands of a fresher dentist. Look for a dentist who has at least three to five years of experience in the dentistry. An experienced dentist has years of hands-on experience and knows how to take care of the dental health of your family.
2. Check the reputation of a dentist
It is the best way to narrow down your choices. Check the reputation of a dentist. To do so, check the online reviews of past patients and read the testimonials of the patient. Do patients recommend the dentist? Are they satisfied with the treatment provided by the dentist? You will often find consistent positive reviews of the best dentist in Mclean, VA. But, you cannot rely on online reviews alone for checking the reputation of a dentist. Therefore, visit the state dental board website and check whether there has been any disciplinary action taken against your dentist. Also, visit the Better Business Bureau website. Check the rating of a dentist and find out if there any complaints reported by patients against the dentist. Make sure your dentist has a good BBB rating and a low volume of complaints reported by customers.
3. Meet your dentist
Once you are done with your primary search and have shortlisted the names of two to three best dentists in your area, visit your dentist’s office. Meet your dentist and make sure you are comfortable with that person. Personal comfort is one of the most important factors you need to consider when you are looking for the best dentist. You should be able to explain your concerns to the dentist and ask questions to your dentist. If your chemistry does not match with the dentist, it will get very difficult to get along with that dentist. You should feel comfortable with your dentist, and he or she should give you the respect and attention you deserve.
There are chances that you have found the best dentist in your area, but you are not comfortable communicating with your dentist. While consulting your dentist if you feel like getting out of here, do yourself a favor and look for another dentist in your area.
So these are the three tips for choosing the best dentist.
Final Thoughts Dental care McLean plays a very important role in achieving good overall health and dentist is someone whom you regularly visit throughout your life. So it is necessary that you choose the best dentist in Mclean, VA for you and your family. Spend some time on research and choose the best dentist.
Why Dental Care is Important?

Many times all of us have heard this proverb in our life. But still, when it comes to dental care, we do not follow it in our life. Studies also reveal the same that people do not pay enough attention to preventive dental care and usually end up with some sort of dental disease. Unsurprisingly, like rest of the Americans, Mclean residents are also no exception. So, today we will look at the importance of dental care in our life and why should you regularly visit dental care Mclean.
Importance of dental care
Dental care plays a very important role in our life. It helps prevent cavities, gum diseases, enamel wear, heart diseases and more. Let’s find out why dental care is important.
Prevent cavities
Ninety-one percent of U.S. adults had dental caries in permanent teeth. The best way to prevent dental cavities is preventive dental care. The major problem with dental cavities is that they do not cause pain or become visible until in the advanced stages. Therefore, preventive dental care becomes very important to prevent dental cavities and tooth decay. It includes an examination of teeth by a dentist which help spot issue early on. If dental caries is not detected early on, it gradually progresses to tooth decay and infect the soft pulp inside the tooth, and infection can further spread into roots and bloodstream.
Prevent gum disease
More than 50 percent of Americans over the age of 50 suffer from gum diseases. The main objective of preventive dental care is prevention or detecting dental issues early on. You may have gum disease (periodontitis) without realizing it. Therefore, regular visits to dental care in Mclean are necessary to prevent gum disease. Your McLean Dentist will examine your gums and look for any deep spaces between teeth and gums which usually indicate gum disease.
Avoid secondary diseases
Another key benefit of dental care is it also reduces risks of secondary diseases. Poor oral health may lead to various secondary diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, respiratory diseases, cancer, and osteoporosis. Poor oral health also linked to premature birth and low birth weight. Regular dental care ensures that your primary dental issues are fixed early on and do not lead to secondary diseases.
Financial benefits
In addition to reducing risks of oral health issues and secondary diseases, practicing good preventive dental care can save you money. Preventive dental care is far less expensive than restorative treatments. People in the U.S. spend $100 billion a year on dental treatment. Preventive dental care may not completely eliminate the need for restorative treatment, but still, it can significantly reduce the need of these costly treatments.
Five tips to keep your teeth healthy
Brush at least twice a day
Almost everyone knows that we should not go to bed without brushing our teeth. Even toothpaste advertisements are telling people you should at least brush twice a day, but still, only a few follow it. Brushing your teeth before going to bed help get rid of germs and bacteria that accumulate throughout the day.
Brush properly
If you do not brush properly, it is almost as bad as not brushing at all. Do yourself a favor and brush your teeth properly. Take your time to brush your teeth gently.
Never forget your tongue
When we say brush your teeth properly, people usually think it is only about teeth but what about the tongue? Plaque can build up on the tongue as well. So, do not neglect your tongue. Also, cleaning your tongue is important to prevent bad breath.
Use fluoride toothpaste
This simple measure can really make a great difference. Replace your toothpaste with toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride fights against the gems and bacteria that lead to the tooth decay and provides a protective barrier for your teeth.
Flossing is as important as brushing
Now you may say that we are demanding too much, but if you want to keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime, you should treat flossing as important as brushing. Flossing your teeth once in a day will do a world of good for you.
In the end…
Achieving healthy teeth demand a lifetime of care, and preventive dental care plays a major role in it. So take care of your teeth properly and visit dental care in Mclean regularly to keep your teeth healthy.
Cold Therapy Machines are so Useful, But Why?
Cold therapy is a popular remedy to speed up recovery post any orthopedic trauma. Traditionally administered with the help of ice packs, cold therapy is now delivered via special machines. A Cryotherapy machine is an innovation to help dispense an age-old healing remedy in an improved fashion.
Here are the reasons why cold therapy machine has become a popular healing device to aid the treatment of orthopedic injuries.
It helps in the speedy recovery of orthopedic trauma
Cold therapy is best delivered via machines and not ice packs or frozen vegetable bags. These basic methods may work to contain a swelling during an emergency when nothing else is available for cold therapy. For instance, say you suffer a fall at home. Then you might need to use an ice pack for quick pain relief in case you don’t have access to a cold therapy machine at home. However, when it comes to healing surgical wounds, grave injuries, or providing optimal healing then only a machine can provide consistent and effective cold therapy.
About cold therapy in brief –
Cold therapy is the use of freezing temperatures over injuries for speedy healing of the patients. The cold temperature helps in reducing the swelling and the resulting pain from it by stopping blood flow to the affected site. The cold hampers nerve communications, which in turn restrict the blood supply in the area of the application.
For cold therapy to really work, it needs to be delivered just the right way. The temperature needs to be just right and applied to the injury in the correct manner. Cold therapy machines consist of several components, which make it possible to administer freezing temperatures over the injured site properly. The pump, the tank, and other components work together to supply the injured site with the optimal cold temperature. It then helps to heal the pain from surgical wounds or injuries rather quickly.
It helps relieve pain naturally
Speedy recovery from pain can mean less reliance on medicines for the patients. Pain medicines can lead to a dependency on them if used for prolonged periods. The dependency on pain medicines can cause a slew of other health problems.
However, cold therapy is a natural healing remedy. It helps to heal pain and discomfort from orthopedic trauma without any risks of harmful side effects.
It is easy to use
Cold therapy machines are extremely easy to use. It involves no complicated switches or hours of preparations to use one. You need to simply fill the tank with ice and water. Next wrap the healing pad around your injury. Then switch on the machine and let it work to reduce your pain from the orthopedic trauma.
You can make its usage even easier by choosing machines from brands such as IsoComforter. IsoComforter cold therapy machines come equipped with self-priming pumps. So, you don’t need to work the pump to encourage the flow of water from the tank. Use of these machines also gives users the freedom from refilling the tank very often.
It is the safest way to deliver cold therapy
Uneven temperature from ice packs can cause burn injuries. However, there is no such drawback to using a cold therapy machine. The use of healing pads over injuries protects the skin underneath from any harm.
If you use IsoComforter machines, you can use healing pads containing ridges to ensure safe delivery of cold therapy. IsoComforter machines are designed using the patented Iso tube technology for perfect delivery of freezing temperatures over injuries.
It is the most convenient method for cold therapy delivery
There is no fuss involved in the use of cold therapy machines. You can sit back and relax while the device does its job on healing your injuries. If you buy portable IsoComforter machines, you can even use them while traveling or in the car.
You also don’t need to worry about dripping water on the floor or your clothes (as can be the case with ice packs). You also get the freedom from holding an ice pack over your injuries, which can be very inconvenient.